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What to Ask Your Orthodontist

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Have you thought about fixing your crooked teeth or the improper alignment of your jaw? The initial visit for orthodontic treatment should be a consultation. Our orthodontist will sit down with you and discuss your concerns. Then, he can suggest a course of treatment. We are happy to answer all of your questions and discuss the options that will best suit you or your child.

If you are at a loss as to what questions you might ask, we’ve got you covered. The following questions are some of the most popular asked by potential orthodontic patients.

-How much will this cost?
-Does my insurance cover everything? If not, how much will I have to pay?
-Do you have payment options?
-How exactly will I benefit by getting and orthodontic treatment?
-How long does my particular procedure take?
-Will there be any pain, and what are my options for pain management?
-What is the procedure when getting braces?
-Will I need to have any teeth removed?
-Will I need additional hardware such as headgear?

We will be happy to answer any and all of your questions about our orthodontic practice, and we are excited to explain all of the aspects of your treatment. We strive to make your experience with us informative, comfortable and problem-free.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with our orthodontist , Dr. Matthew Epperson, contact Epperson Orthodontics in Springfield, Oregon, at 541-852-2552 to make an appointment.