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What Can InvisalignⓇ Do That Braces Cannot?

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InvisalignⓇ retainers are another means you can use to realign your teeth, much like braces. However, Invisalign can do a few things that braces cannot.

A nice thing about Invisalign is that it is transparent like a window. Because of this, your smile can be seen through them. Braces can get in the way of your smile, but your smile is up front and center with Invisalign. As you wear them, the retainers gently move your teeth into a more perfect alignment.

Unlike braces, Invisalign retainers can removed. This ability can help you when you eat. Braces come with food limitations because they can be broken if you bite into the wrong thing, like an apple for example. When you want to eat something like an apple, you can take the retainers out and put them back when you are done.

Braces often require a more complex cleaning regimen because they must remain inside your mouth. Removing the retainers can make cleaning them and your teeth considerably easier. You can put the retainers in your hand as you give them a rinse. Also, when you brush and floss, the retainers can be moved out of the way, giving you easy access.

If Invisalign catches your interest, you are welcome to talk to our orthodontist , Dr. Matthew Epperson. You can come to Epperson Orthodontics in Springfield, Oregon, for this consultation. Feel free to call 541-852-2552, and we will set things up for you.